What was that all about?

The focus is on Kaj Munk's life and especially the fateful events of January 4, 1944, when the exhibition "What happened?" takes visitors through Kaj Munk's life via sound and living wallpapers.

The exhibition is a must-see for anyone interested in the many aspects of the Danes' history during the war, as it shows a picture of a man who sacrificed everything and at the same time gives a picture of a family whose lives were forever changed when they had to say goodbye to their father and husband.

From Lolland to the gravel of Jutland
The exhibition "What happened?" is a new sound universe where visitors are taken on a digital journey through Kaj Munk's life as they tour the vicarage's farmhouse. The exhibition starts in Kaj Munk's childhood on Lolland and then takes a room-by-room tour through his life, giving an insight into all the many facets that made up Kaj Munk's life.

Visitors will also get an in-depth and moving insight into the events in the vicarage in Vedersø on January 4, 1944, as the exhibition is based on the evening that changed everything for the Munk family, and takes visitors into the living room of the family when Kaj Munk's killers knock on the door.

The exhibition is created in collaboration with internationally renowned design company Tinker Imagineers. 


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