Plan your visit
Address and parking
Where is Fiskeriets Hus located and can I park?
The address of Fiskeriets Hus is Nørregade 2B, 6960 Hvide Sande.
In front of Fiskeriets Hus there is a parking lot where it is free to park.
Times and duration
How long does a visit to Fiskeriets Hus last?
1 - 2 hours. Your visit can be combined with a walk in Hvide Sande. -
Times and prices
Opening hours for 2025
January 2 - January 5
All days: 10-16
Admission: 99 kr.
Children 0-17 years: Free admission with an adult
January 6 - January 19
January 20 - January 31
Tuesday - Friday: 10 am - 4 pm
Admission: 125 kr.
Children 0-17 years: Free admission with an adult
February 1 - March 31
Monday - Friday: 10am - 4pm
February 8-16: Open 10 am - 4 pm
Admission: 125 kr.
Children 0-17 years: Free admission with an adult
April 1 - October 31
Every day: 10-17
Admission: 125 kr.
Children 0-17 years: Free admission with an adult
November 1 - December 31
Monday - Friday: 10-16
(Note: closed December 20-26 and December 31)
December 27-30: Open 10am-4pm
Admission: 125 kr.
Children 0-17 years: Free admission with an adult
Buy a ticket
Can I bring my dog on Fiskeriets hus?
No, no, no, no. However, guide dogs for guests with disabilities are welcome.
Children and young people
I am going to visit Fiskeriets Hus with children, what are my options?
There are many great experiences for both young and old at Fiskeriets Hus. You are very welcome to bring prams and pushchairs at Fiskeriets Hus.
Disability issues
I have a disability, what are my options?
Fiskeriets Hus is designed so that everyone can have a good experience. There is an elevator so it is possible to get downstairs and plenty of space for people with walking difficulties.
Food and drink
Can you eat and drink at Fiskeriets Hus?
You can buy ice cream and drinks at Fiskeriets Hus.
Do I need to bring special clothing?
No special clothing is necessary for a visit to Fiskeriets Hus, but if you want to go out and enjoy the surroundings, it's a good idea to dress for the weather.
Can I smoke on Fiskeriets Hus?
Fiskeriets Hus is a smoke-free visitor site. Guests are advised to smoke outside the museum grounds.