23. april kl. 15:30: Fiskefodring

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The ocean liner Thomas

The seagoing ship "Thomas" was built in Stadil around 1850 by Jens Lausten for the buyers Thomas Andersen and Jens Thomsen, Sdr. Lyngvig.

This boat type, which dates back to the Viking Age, was used for open beach fishing on the west coast of Jutland until around 1890.

In 1912, Andreas Jensen bought the ship and used it as a tugboat on Ringkøbing Fjord until 1931, after which the ship ended its days as the roof of a tool house.

Fiskeriets Hus has built a replica of the ocean liner that can be used for sailing on Ringkøbing Fjord.

Ringkøbing Fjord Museer

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Abelines Gaard

Bork Vikingehavn